Стакли, Уильям
William Stukeley FRS, FRCP, FSA England 1687 – 1765 Teachers: Isaac Newton; Edmond Halley; John Aubrey; Students: Michael Balfour; Isaac Bonewits; Ronald Heaver; Robert Cochrane; E. Raymond Capt; Nora Chadwick; Joy Chant; Robert Wentworth Little; Frederick Hockley; Kenneth R. H. Mackenzie; James Manchester, M.D, Druid; Grand Archdruid Rhodonn Starrus AKA Aerach Crann Crithaec ("Great Quaking Aspen"); Robert Hayes; Mrs. Hayes, 1st female initiate ; Dr. Juliet Ashley, Archdruid and founder of the Holy Order of the Golden Dawn in Philadelphia, also a student of A.E. Waite, 1939; inspired Order of Spiritual Alchemy ; Robert Johnson aka Aerach Crann Crithaec II; Dr. Betty Jean McCloud Reeves ; John Michael Greer, aka Creyr Glas Cynwyddon ("Blue Heron Loremaster"); George Watson MacGregor Reid; Nicholas Tereschenko; Lady Olivia Robertson;
Friends /Enemies / Partners: Organizations: Royal Society; vicar of All Saints' Church, Stamford; a Druidic Order; Author: biographer of Isaac Newton; Palaeographia Britannica or discourses on Antiquities in Britain no.I, Origines Roystonianae, or an account of the Oratory of lady Roisia, Foundress of Royston discovered in Royston in August 1742; Palaeographia Britannica or discourses on Antiquities in Britain no.II, or defense of Lady de Vere, Foundress of Roiston, against the Calumny of Mr. Parkin, rector of Oxburgh wherein his pretended answer is fully refuted: the former opinion further confirm'd and illustrated. To which are occasionally added, many curios matters in antiquity; Stonehenge, A Temple Restor'd to the British Druids, 1740; Comments: Stonehenge ; Windmill Hill, Avebury, Royston Cave at Royston, Hertfordshire excavations; Freemason; "Arch-Druid"; Society of Antiquities; Royal College of Physicians; Druids of the Iron Age; Resources: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Windmill_Hill,_Avebury; http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/William_Stukeley; read him here - http://www.sacred-texts.com/neu/eng/str/index.htm; http://www.slate.com/blogs/the_vault/2014/01/03/william_stukeley_stonehenge_drawings_made_by_stukeley_in_the_eighteenth.html ; read him here - http://pds.lib.harvard.edu/pds/view/46626364?n=162&imagesize=600&jp2Res=0.125&printThumbnails=no ;