Rabbi Abraham Ben Meir Ibn Ezra (Hebrew: אברהם אבן עזרא or ראב"ע, Arabic ابن عزرا; AKA Abenezra, The Wise, The Great and The Admirable Doctor aka Abraham Ibn Ezra Spain 1089 — 1164 Teachers: Yehuda Halevi ; Eleazar Ben Judah of Worms Students: Pietro d'Abano; Baruch Spinoza; Joseph ben Jacob; Joseph ben Abraham Gikatilla; Thomas Hyde; Samuel Liddell MacGregor Mathers; RaMCHaL aka Rabbi Moshe Chaim Luzzatto; Friends: Enemies: Organizations: Author: The Book of the Secrets of the Law, The Mystery of the Form of the Letters, The Enigma of the Quiescent Letters, The Book of the Name, The Book of the Balance of the Sacred Language and The Book of Purity of the Language, & grammatical writings, among them Moznayim ("Scales", 1140) and Zahot (Tzahot = "Dazzlings",1141) ; Shahiludium : traditum in ribus scriptus Hebraicis )tr. by Thomas Hyde AKA De Historia shahiludii tria scripta hebraica viz. Rabbi Abraham Aben-ezræ prelegans poëma rythmicum, R. Bonseniora Ben-Jachiæ facunda oratio profaica, liber deliciæ regum prosã, stylo puriore, per anonymum; May be the translator of The Veritable Clavicles of Solomo, called Rabbin Abognazar (perhaps Aben Ezra aka Rabbi Abraham Aben Ezra by Samuel Liddell MacGregor Mathers); Comments: Thy breath is far sweeter than honey, Thy radiance brightens the day. Thy voice is e'en softer than lyre-notes, yet I hear its echoes always. Thy wit is as pure as thy witchery, and both in thy face are displayed. Alas! mid the maze of thy pleasaunce, from the Path to thy heart I have strayed.

Comments: Rabbi; love poems; wandered Europe and England; skeptical about demons and against the use of talismans, even Hebrew ones; References: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Abraham_ibn_Ezra ; http://www.worldcat.org/title/shahiludium-traditum-in-ribus-scriptus-hebraicis/oclc/008140139 ; Jewish Life in the Middle Ages by Israel Abrams,1975;