Толанд, Джон
John Toland Ireland / England 1670 – 1722 Teachers: John Locke; John Milton; Baruch Spinoza; Students: Godfrey Higgins; Gerald Massey; James Frazer; E. A. Wallis Budge; Gerald Gardner; Robert Graves; Joseph Campbell; Margaret Murray; Margaret Mead, Robert Graves; Charles Leland; Alvin Boyd Kuhn; Tom Harpur; Kersey Graves; John Glover Jackson (1907 – 1993); D.M. Murdock; Wouter Hanegraaff; Pierre des Maizeaux; Bishop Berkeley; Christopher Bamford; William Parker Marsh; George Watson MacGregor Reid; Organizations: Author; Christianity not Mysterious (1696); Reasons for Naturalizing the Jews, 1714; Treatise of the Three Impostors; Socinianism Truly Stated, by a pantheist in 1705; Nazarenus: or Jewish, Gentile and Mahometan Christianity, containing the history of the ancient gospel of Barnabas... Also the Original Plan of Christianity explained in the history of the Nazarens.... with... a summary of ancient Irish Christianity... (1718); Pantheisticon (1720) (Written in Latin. An English translation was published in 1751); History of the Celtic Religion and Learning Containing an Account of the Druids (1726); Comments: composed his own epitaph: "He was an assertor of liberty, a lover of all sorts of learning ... but no man’s follower or dependent. Nor could frowns or fortune bend him to decline from the ways he had chosen";'pantheism' ; Rationalist philosopher; Resources: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/John_Toland; read him here - http://archive.org/search.php?query=creator%3A%28John%20Toland%29